EMILIAN TELEAGA, Contributions to the Late Hallstatt graves with horse bits of Szentes-Vekerzug type in the Carpathian basin 5
ANDREI MĂGUREANU, Religious identity north of the Danube. The Christianity 31
ADRIAN BĂTRÎNA, The church of Năsturel family from Herăşti (Giurgiu County). Archaeological research 71
GHEORGHE ALEXANDRU NICULESCU, Autonomy and epistemic humility: reassembling the discipline 87
ALEXANDRU S. MORINTZ, Groma, an ancient topographical instrument 95
ANDREI GEORGESCU, ANDREI BĂLĂRIE, The story of a Sarmatian grave rescued by Florin Medeleţ at Gelu (Variaş comm., Timiş County) 119
EUGEN PARASCHIV-GRIGORE, A Roman-Byzantine seal discovered at Fântâna Mare, Constanţa County 139
ERWIN GÁLL, MIHÁLY HUBA HŐGYES, Some observations concerning the volume Gyergyószentmiklós a régészeti kutatások tükrében (Gheorgheni în lumina cercetărilor arheologice) 149
OANA DAMIAN, Some remarks about the archaeological research in a site overlapped by a modern village. Case study: Nufăru, Tulcea County 161
CONSTANTIN C. PETOLESCU, Chronique épigrafque de la Roumanie (XXXVI, 2016) 191
LIANA OŢA, Session annuelle de communications scientifques de l’Institut d’Archéologie « Vasile Pârvan » 213
RALUCA KOGĂLNICEANU, MIHAI GLIGOR, Homines, Funera, Astra (HFA) – The chronicle of an international symposium after six editions (2011–2017) 255
ANCA-DIANA POPESCU, Two international conferences organised at Târgu Jiu 275
RADU BĂJENARU, International conference Objects, Ideas and Travelers. Contacts between the Balkans, the Aegean and Western Anatolia during the Bronze and Early Iron Age. Conference to the memory of Alexandru Vulpe (Tulcea, 10–14 November 2017) 285
EMILIAN TELEAGA, Scientifc report concerning the results of the research done between 2015–2017 for the project PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-1602 „Burials and funerary customs during the Late Hallstatt period at the Lower Danube” 289
GABRIEL VASILE, Historical and archaeological considerations on the populations attributed to the medieval necropolises of Dobruja (11th–15th centuries) obtained through the analysis of physical anthropology 313
Zoe Petre (23 august 1940 – 1 septembrie 2017) (Mircea Angelescu) 327
Adela Kovács, Temple, sanctuare, altare în Neoliticul și Epoca Cuprului din sud-estul Europei / Temples, Sanctuaries, Altars in Neolithic and Copper Age from south-east Europe, Editura Karl A. Romstorfer, Suceava, 2016, 385 p., 556 fg. (Cristian Eduard Ştefan) 331
Ion Niculiţă, Aurel Zanoci, Mihail Băţ, Evoluţia habitatului din microzona Saharna în epoca fierului, Biblioteca Tyragetia 27, Chişinău, 2016, 464 p. (Sorin Ailincăi) 333
Charlotte Fabech, Ulf Näsman (eds.), The Sösdala Horsemen and the equestrian elite of ffth century Europe, Jutland Archaeological Publications, Vol. 99, Mosegĺrd, 2017,
451 p. (Radu Harhoiu)
Florin Mărginean, Ioan Stanciu, Dan Băcueţ-Crişan (eds.), Locuirea medievală timpurie din Transilvania şi vecinătăţi / The Early Medieval Habitation from Transylvania
and its Surroundings. Lucrările conferinţei naţionale Locuirea medievală timpurie din Transilvania şi vecinătăţi, Lipova (jud. Arad), 27–29 octombrie 2016, Orbis
Mediaevalis I, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 2017, 346 p., 61 fg., 20 tabele, 4 hărţi incluse în text, 100 pl. (Adrian Ioniţă)