Studies and Research on Ancient History and Archeology
journal of the Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology of the Romanian Academy



•           History

•           Aims and scope

•           Editorial board

•           Indexing


Studii și Cercetări de Istorie Veche – SCIV (Studies and Research on Ancient History) journal was first published in 1950, answering the need to make available the results of valuable local archaeological, epigraphical, numismatic and historical research. Since 1974, the name of the journal is Studii și Cercetări de Istorie Veche și Arheologie – SCIVA (Studies and Research on Ancient History and Archeology).

The quality of the journal has made it part of many library collections from all over the world, especially of those with a focus on Southeastern Europe.

The journal has published mainly in Romanian, but we also accept contributions in English, French or German.

Originally planned as a quarterly publication, SCIVA journal has undergone difficult times which affected its regular release. At present, the journal has an annual issue, usually split into two fascicles, (1-2) and (3-4).


ISSN 1220-4781 (print)

Publisher: Editura Academiei Române (Publishing House of the Romanian Academy).